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VAT & ECO Payments

Submit and Pay your VAT & ECO Contribution on Accommodation Online

Payments can be effected via Internet Banking or through the Government Payment Gateway (GPG). The On-Line service will provide a unique payment reference number for each return to be paid using Internet Banking. You need the e-ID to submit and pay the VAT/ECO returns.

Submitting electronically will give you up to seven extra calendar days to pay your VAT.

Guidelines on how to submit and pay the returns can be downloaded here​.

    Personal Services​

    Services ​directly linked with taxpayer​
    ​​Basic e-ID login ​(​e-ID username and pa​ssword​).

    ​Assigned or Delegated Services

    Services delegated by other taxpayers​
    Sign-in using your e-ID ​​username and password and either an app on your phone or​​ the digital certificate on your ID Card ​(you wi​ll need a card re​​ader). 
    Please refer to this guide​​​ for more information and guidance.​ 