Promise of Sale
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Promise of Sale

Last updated: 15/05/2020


1)    Found a mistake in the Promise of Sale notification, what can be done?
One should inform the Notary so that he/she will correct the mistake.
2)    I want to check if my promise of sale has been registered
Notaries have 21 days to register the agreement. A promise of sale notification is sent to both parties and to the Notary.  If no notification was received please check with the Notary.
3)    I have a pending promise of sale agreement and have changed my residential address
Please inform the Capital Transfer Duty Division through [email protected], subject of email should be PoS Change of Address and quoting PoS number at the top part of the notification.
4)    I want to check how much I have to pay in provisional stamp duty
Provisional stamp duty is calculated at 20% of the final stamp duty due. Please contact your Notary for clarifications of the exact amounts due, as these may vary due to various factors.
5)    I have received a letter with a brochure about the energy performance certificate
The letter is a confirmation of registration of a promise of sale agreement which you have entered with third parties. The brochure reminds you that upon signing of contract, it is a legal obligation to present an EPC certificate upon sale.