Expatriates taxpayer registration
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Expatriates taxpayer registration

If you are an EU Citizen and have already applied for the Social Security Number there is no need to re-apply for the Income Tax number through this e-form.

The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required


Select a date from the calendar.

(Social Security No. is required if applicant is an EU Citizen and the purpose of registration is Employment or Self Employment, otherwise insert ‘N/A’)


Select a date from the calendar.

Select a date from the calendar.

(Date of Employment, in the format dd/mm/yyy, is required if Purpose of Registration is 'Employment or Self Employment' or 'Marriage to Maltese', otherwise insert ‘N/A’)


(required only if applicant is married and both spouses are resident in Malta)

Select a date from the calendar.

Select a date from the calendar.


Please upload a copy of the Marriage Certificate  

Please upload declaration of residence signed by the other spouse (if married and both spouses are living in Malta)  


(Insert employer or other representative’s details if applicant is a Non-EU Citizen)

I hereby undertake to inform the Office of the Commissioner for Revenue should there be any significant changes regarding the information in this form

Select a date from the calendar.

Please upload declaration form:*   
Kindly upload above the scanned copy with the signature of the printed Declaration Form found in the left-hand side menu (left upper corner of this form)

The Commissioner for Revenue will use the information provided, to process this form in accordance with the Revenue Acts. We may check information provided by you, or information about you provided by a third party, with other information held by us. We will not disclose information about you to anyone outside these Departments unless permitted by law. The Revenue Departments treat your personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2001 (Cap 440) to protect your privacy. Any queries may be addressed to the Data Controller, Office of the Commissioner for Revenue

Please print and sign this declaration form (ONLY IN CASE OF A MARRIED COUPLE ) and upload in the 'Expatriates Taxpayer Registration' online application form.