Share Transfer Notice
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Share Transfer Notice

Publication Date: Jan 20, 2021
The Commissioner for Revenue and the Registrar of Companies would like to notify that, in respect of share transfers and changes in issued share capital/voting rights of companies and other commercial partnerships where applicable, or  transfers of interests in partnerships, requiring registration by the International and Corporate Tax Unit (ICTU), all relevant documents should be delivered to the ICTU prior to forwarding any of the requisite documents to the Registry of Companies Unit within the  Malta Business Registry.
Please note that with effect from 1st February, the above-mentioned procedure is also applicable in the case of transfers/changes in respect of which there is a valid determination issued in terms of Article 47 of the Duty on Documents and Transfers Act (DDT 10). Any such documentation must be accompanied by the relevant Capital Gains Schedule, auditor’s report and supporting documentation as applicable.
It is also being clarified that in the case of transfers (including deemed transfers) of interests held in partnerships, the  capital gains and duty Schedules required to be submitted from an Income Tax and Duty on Documents and Transfers perspective are the same as those applicable to transfers in/changes to the issued share capital held in companies.
Any queries in relation to the above may be forwarded by e-mail on [email protected] or by telephone on +356 22582200.